As I mentioned in my previous
posts student dropout from educational programs is becoming the most pressing
issues in current time. According to the Carnegie Corporation of New York they
said that
“Today, young people who leave high school without
excellent and flexible reading and writing skills stand at a great
disadvantage. In the past, those students who dropped out of high school could
count on an array of options for establishing a productive and successful life.
But in a society driven by knowledge and ever-accelerating demands for reading
and writing skills, very few options exist for young people lacking a high
school diploma.”
Same like the Sakai Learning
Management System Microsoft have introduced a new learning analytic platform
which can be used identify different students according to their performance
activities which is basically using the predictive analysis approach.
According to the study conducted by the U.S. Department of
Education the most common reasons for student to be dropping out of school are
- Lack of educational support. Many students decided to drop out of high school due to lack of sufficient parental support and educational encouragement.
- Outside influences.
- Special needs. Students often drop out of high school because they require specific attention to a certain need, such as dyslexia or other learning disabilities
- Financial problems.
Out of those four mentioned above
the Lack of educational support and the Special needs reasons can be easily managed
using predictive analysis approach since student who are at risk of failing can
be identified at early stage by analyzing their historical data of learning behavior.
According to the Microsoft the Student
Information Systems and Learning Management Systems (LMS) have a shortcoming of inability to perform integrated
analysis of large amounts of data. As they mentioned in their report to manage
this type of reporting infrastructure requires a different type of data
analysis system that is highly optimized for rapid and comprehensive analysis
of large amounts of data. Online Analytical Processing can be used as an
approach for fast analysis of large amounts of data offering greater insight
into student performances.
Microsoft Education Analytics
Platform (EAP) or SIGMA offers both business intelligence and predictive
analytics data management services which consider about different aspect of the
students where it categorize the influence factors in to individual and family. Based on these factors they use predictive analysis approaches to identify the students who are at risk of dropping out from the educational programs.
Reference : Student Individualized Growth Model and
Assessment (SIGMA), A Microsoft Education Analytics Platform Approach to
Students at Risk, May 2010
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